
Joined June 2021
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Tech Equity Hub | We create spaces and experiences to connect people from all over the world and give back to the community! 🏳️‍🌈 Learn more & Donate: https://overtext.me/about
25 days agoQueerQueens@queerqueens

Hey there, beauties! 👋🏳️‍🌈 It's time to kick off Lesbian and Queer Women's Visibility Week! We're shining a spotlight on the incredible diversity and resilience of lesbian and queer women everywhere. So, grab your friends and your enthusiasm, and let's make this week one to remember! Join us as we honor and uplift all the amazing queer women who make our community shine. ⭐🎉 #LesbianVisibility #QueerVisibility #LesbianPride #CommunityLove

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2 months agoQueerQueens@queerqueens

This International Women's Day, let's champion #GenderEquality and support #WomenEmpowerment. Together, let's strive for #BalanceForBetter, celebrating the achievements of #WomenInSTEM and advocating for equal rights for all women. #equality #techequityhub #internationalwomensday

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