3 years agoQQ.TV@queerqueens

Celebrate Bisexuality Day (CBD) #bivisibilityday with us! Join our events and weekly gatherings for celebrations and discussions on the JustOne app & enBiPa events in your city 💜💙 Happy Bisexual Pride & Bi+ Awareness Week (Sept. 16-23) to all bisexual+ people & the bisexual+ community! #bivisibilityweek “Bi people have been a part of queer liberation since its inception and it's time we celebrate that by validating and listening to those living the bi experience.⁠⁠” ⁠⁠ #gaytimes #biweek #event #womenowned #queerowned #lgbtqiamanaged #freesocialmedia #publicdecentralizedsocialmedia

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